Mittwoch, 16. November 2016

Strain definition

Bedeutung, Definition strain : a force or influence that stretches, pulls, or puts pressure on something, sometimes…. The engineering strain is the most common definition applied to materials used in mechanical and structural engineering, which are subjected to very small deformations. On the other han for some materials, e. Define strain : lineage, ancestry — strain in a sentence.

English dictionary definition of strain. To pull, draw, or stretch tight: The heavy load strained the rope.

Physics To cause distortion of by. Notes: The fact that strain means relative change in shape or size implies that it is dimensionless and has no units. Stress, on the other han has dimension of force per unit area, or, less often, force per unit length.

What is: Work strain - Technical glossary for both students and professionals. Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples. Athletes strain their knees, which strains the emotions of their fans. A strain may also be a line, like a line of ancestry, of thought, or a melodic line in music.

Maybe you have to strain to hear the quiet flute in an orchestra.

The definition of a strain is a bodily injury due to overexertion or an excessive demand on resources. An example of strain is a pulled muscle. An injury to a tendon or muscle resulting from overuse or trauma.

A hereditary tendency that originated from a common ancestor. A strain is a genetic variant or subtype of a microorganism (e.g. virus or bacterium or fungus). For example, a flu strain is a certain biological form of the influenza or flu virus.

KJV Dictionary Definition : strain. This word retains its original signification, to stretch. White K, Hudgins TH, Alleva JT.

Our healand was strained of the heavenly father ere then that heaven or earth shapen (formed) were. To remove undesirable particles from a liqui to separate liquid from other solids or to seperate various contents from other contents such as removing smaller particles from larger particles. It also refers to the offspring that descend from.

Strain cooking information, facts and recipes. In Figure 1B and 1C, opposing forces are applied to each end of a rod with an original length of Lo. The applied forces will cause the rod to deform so that. Lf is the length of the rod.

This kind of graph is called stress- strain curve. Stress Stress is defined as the force per unit area of a material.

Their marriage is under great strain at the moment. These repayments are putting a strain on our finances. A force (stress) that causes movement ( strain ) that exceeds the natural extensibility of the material which then arise a condition where the mechanical damage of an object takes place. The words stress and strain are used interchangeably in our everyday life.

There are precise definitions of these words in the technical world . Get expert to your questions in Molecular Genetics, Biology, Viral and Ecology and more on ResearchGate, the professional network for scientists. Sprains and strains — Comprehensive overview covers symptoms, treatment and prevention of ligament and muscle damage.

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