Donnerstag, 27. Juli 2017

Deformation definition

Wörterbuch der deutschen Sprache. Dies kann in der Embryonalentwicklung durch mechanische Einflüsse geschehen. Möglich ist aber auch eine solche durch . English dictionary definition of deformation.

The act or process of deforming. The condition of being deformed.

An alteration of form for the worse. Was ist: Plastische Verformung - Begriffe aus der Welt des Maschinenbaus einfach erklärt. Kostenlos das item Glossar nutzen. Origin of deformationMiddle Engl. Define deformation (noun) and get synonyms.

What is deformation (noun)? A twin pregnancy can cause deformations due to crowding of the twins late in pregnancy. Meaning of deformation as a legal term.

The deformation of the bones was caused by poor diet. From Old French deformation , see deform. Deformations occur most often late in pregnancy or during delivery.

Video shows what deformation means. The stress in the limits of a material can offset. Definition of DEFORMATION : Chaninging the body caused by stress.

In earth science, deformation is an alteration of the size or shape of rocks. Latin dēfōrmātiōn - (stem of dēfōrmātiō), . Action de créer, de produire quelque chose. Since homogeneous displacement of material points does not cause deformation , deformation must be related to spatial variation or gradient of displacement. Therefore, deformation is characterized by a displacement . Rocks may also become so deformed that the change is not reversible, which we call ductile deformation. Ductile means that something can be changed into a new shape, but once this happens, it stays that way.

This is like the copper wiring in your house. Copper is ductile, meaning you can stretch it into long, thin wires. In this section, after a brief reminder of the definition of a homotopic deformation , we propose a way to characterize classes of path deformations according to their complexity.

Définitions Français : Retrouvez la définition de déformation , ainsi que les synonymes, expressions.

Dictionnaire, définitions, section_expression, conjugaison, synonymes, homonymes, difficultés, citations.

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